Uzair Merchant and Finhaven Private Markets Consider Offering a New Kind of NFT with Uzair’s Music Video, Stardust
VANCOUVER, BC – January 12, 2022
Uzair Merchant, one of India’s first Production Designers in Hollywood, is here to change the scope of creativity with his latest music video STARDUST, winner of ‘Best Music Video‘ and ‘Best Original Song’ at New York Movie Awards 2021 & Milan Gold Awards 2021. Additionally Stardust also won an honourable mention at the Los Angeles Film Awards 2021.
Shot entirely on an iPhone in Dubai, Vancouver and India, Stardust is the original soundtrack to the upcoming Sci-fi show Black Rose, written and created by Uzair Merchant and directed by James Bamford (Producer/Director of blockbuster TV show Arrow). Produced by bKreativ Productions in Vancouver, the Pilot Script has won six international screenplay awards, followed by the video and Soundtrack have won six additional international awards. The graphic novel is also available to purchase on Amazon.
Stardust details Uzair’s heart-breaking journey during the pandemic when his father was in a state of immobility post-cardiac arrest. Uzair comments: “Stardust is a tussle between two worlds where the character is desperate for an escape to find answers, only to learn life has a flow of its own. It is to be observed, not fought with — the idea that we all come from Stardust and to Stardust we shall return.” Stardust music video will be minted as an NFT and be offered for fractional NFTs at Finhaven Private Markets. Fractional NFTs are deemed securities and Finhaven Private Markets is a security token marketplace based in Canada, offering a regulated trading environment for investors.
DH Kim, CEO of Finhaven says: “NFTs will present many innovative possibilities beyond traditional asset ownership, and Finhaven is well positioned to provide the technology solution and the compliance framework required for investor protection and a better user experience. Most importantly, we are thrilled to work with Uzair Merchant and James Bamford, both talented film artists based in Vancouver, Canada to expand the territory of the film industry by leveraging blockchain technology, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.”
This novel security-NFT offering by Finhaven and Uzair will bring innovation and health to the NFT space by bridging the worlds of NFT, traditional finance, and art in a way that is sustainable and robust.
About Finhaven:
Finhaven simplifies financial market infrastructure and drive innovation using blockchain. Finhaven built Finhaven Investment Platform in its distributed network.
About Finhaven Private Markets:
Finhaven Private Markets (“FPM”) is operated by Finhaven Capital Inc., an exempt market dealer registered in six provinces of Canada from British Columbia to Quebec. Using Finhaven Investment Platform, FPM received marketplace and clearing agency authorizations in November 2020. FPM focuses on the Environmental, Social, Governance (“ESG”) aspects, in industries such as information and communications technology, biotechnology, clean energy, real estate, and sports & entertainment.
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