Launch of Finhaven Insights Newsletter
May 26, 2022

Fundamentals of Finhaven Token
Our vision for FINToken is to become a utility medium for innovative & improved transactions in regulated industries, using blockchain technology.

When NFTs are deemed securities, they need a place to trade
At Finhaven™ Private Markets, blockchain and digital securities are at the core of our technology and business. That puts us squarely in the conversation about NFTs (non-fungible tokens) — a trend capturing the imagination of investors and media alike.

Minting of STARDUST Canada’s first fractionalized NFT offering
Last week the Finhaven team welcomed Uzi Merchant, the creator of STARDUST music video, to our office to celebrate the official minting of the STARDUSTmusic video, which will be Canada’s first fractionalized NFT offering. The fractionalized NFTs are private securities that will be sold in Finhaven™ Private Markets (security-token marketplace) only, currently pending approval. At this event, we will only introduce the Stardust Music Video. We will not sell the fractionalized NFTs.
To purchase the fractionalized NFTs, you have to become a qualified accredited investor at Finhaven Private Markets

MetaismX™ hosts Live Virtual Event on Wednesday June 1st
Finhaven™ Gateway Inc. will host an exclusive virtual event on Wednesday, June 1st at 7pm PDT to launch the STARDUST music video, which is Canada’s first fractionalized NFT offering.
Create your personalized avatar to get a first look inside the “proof-of-concept” metaverse at the launch event. You will join us at the concert hall in EvaWorld.io to watch a special screening of STARDUST, listen to keynotes from creator Uzi Merchant and from Finhaven CEO, DH Kim, who will introduce FINtoken™ and discuss the technology behind MetaismX.
Attendees can also participate in a scavenger hunt to win a tablet and rewards in FINtoken.
Places are limited, so be one of the first 250 to sign up!

Korean Consulate visits Finhaven Headquarters in Vancouver
Finhaven CEO, DH Kim, recently welcomed two special visitors to meet with him in our Vancouver headquarters. Mr. Hae Young Song, Consul General, and Mr. SungJoon Ahn, Director General & Chief Trade Commissioner met with DH Kim to discuss Finhaven Private Markets and the upcoming Finhaven™ Gateway business and shared his insights about the Korean & Canadian Capital Markets.
Grow your wealth with Finhaven™ Private Markets
Invest in private companies vetted by our experienced Investment Banking team to diversify your portfolio.

Finhaven Recommended readings
7 Essential Ingredients of a Metaverse
Finhaven will be launching an NFT marketplace called MetaismX in metaverse. What is a metaverse exactly? Where does one draw a line between a metaverse and, say, just another virtual world? You can find out more by reading the article below.
Venture Capitalists hit with ‘fundraising pain’ as LPs deal with venture overexposure
Venture capitalists started 2022 on pace for the industry to have its largest fundraising year on record, as an unprecedented number of firms hit the market to raise new and, in most cases, larger vehicles.